Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Going on a Tumor Hunt

The mass in Killian's mouth now gives new meaning to the word "intrusive."  It shifted in his mouth, challenging eating and breathing. Dr. Harrison at Beth Israel has reconsidered a course of palliative radiation after seeing it yesterday. This will not be toward cure and will likely not be directed at any mass except the one in his mouth. But, we're on for a tumor hunt! We left the City very happy about it yesterday. We don't know how many courses of radiation (or how many trips back and forth to the City). Killian just wants it gone. We go for a planning session today. 

We were very nervous yesterday, before the visit to Harrison. Driving down there in aggressive NYC traffic, Killian randomly banged on the glass. It scared me: I jumped in my seat. I told him he can't do that and that the traffic was nervous-making enough. He said he was sorry, but added that "if I hunted and ate you right now, you'd be really gamey." Nervousness continued when we met with Harrison's fellow. He seemed to be leaning toward it being too risky.  Then Harrison (bless him) looked in Killian's mouth and said, "that has to go." Today will far less nervous -- even if Killian bangs on things.


TarheelBiodieseler said...

Zap that tumor!

Anonymous said...

I don't want to work
I want to bang on the drum all day
I don't want to play
I just want to bang on the drum all day

Refrain from Mr. Rundgren's BANG ON THE DRUM, perhaps applicable to banging on the glass, as well--
I dunno.

Love to all--noo